
Peer Reviewed Publications

Hipfner-Boucher, K., Pasquarella. A, Prasad, S., & Chen, X. (2021). The development of cognate awareness in child L2/L3 learners of French in French immersion: The effects of orthographic overlap and cognate status. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

Fraser, C., Pasquarella, A., Geva, E., Gottardo, A., & Biemiller, A. (2021). L2 comprehension of logical relationships in expository texts: Evidence for the confluence of general vocabulary and text-connecting functions. Language Learning, published online.

Deacon, S. H., Pasquarella, A., Marinus, E., Tims, T., & Castles, A. (2019). Orthographic processing and children’s word reading development. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40, 509- 534.

Walpole, S. McKenna, M., Pasquarella, A., Amendum, S., & Strong. J. Z. (2017). The promise of a literacy reform effort in the upper elementary grades. Elementary Schools Journal, 118, published online.

Cuza, A., Miller, L., Pasquarella, A. & Chen, X. (2017). The role of literacy instruction in the development of Spanish as a heritage language during childhood. Heritage Language Journal, 14, 100-123.

Hipfner-Boucher, K., Pasquarella. A, Chen, X., & S. H. Deacon (2016). Cognate Awareness in French Immersion Students: Contributions to French Reading Comprehension in the Early Elementary Grades. Scientific Studies of Reading, 20, 389-400.

Jia, F., Gottardo, A., Chen, X., Koh, P.W., & Pasquarella, A. (2016). English proficiency and acculturation among Chinese immigrant youth in Canada: a reciprocal relationship.

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 37, 774-782. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2015.1133630

Gottardo, A., Pasquarella, A., Chen, X., & Ramirez, G. (2016). The impact of language on the relationships between phonological awareness and word reading in different orthographies: A test of the psycholinguistic grain size theory in bilinguals. Applied Psycholinguistics, 37, 1083-115. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716415000508

Au-yueng, K., Hipfner-Boucher, K., Chen, X., Pasquarella, A., D’Angelo, N., & Deacon, H. (2015). Development of English and French Language and Literacy Skills in EL1 and ELL French Immersion Students in the Early Grades. Reading Research Quarterly, 50, 233-254. DOI: 10.1002/rrq.95

Pasquarella, A., Chen, X., Gottardo, A., & Geva, E. (2015). Cross-language transfer of word reading accuracy and word reading fluency in Spanish-English and Chinese-English bilinguals: Script-universal and script-specific processes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 96-110. DOI: 10.1037/a0036966

Welcome, S. E., Pasquarella, A., Chen, X., Olson, D. R., & Joanisse, M. R. (2014). Preserved mid-fusiform activation for visual words in a patient with Pure Alexia. Neuropsychologia, 65, 113-124.

Pasquarella, A., Deacon, S., H., Chen, X., Commissaire, E., & Au-Yeung, K. (2014). Acquiring orthographic processing through word reading: Evidence form children learning to read French and English. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 61, 240-257, DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2014.932579

Commissaire, E., Pasquarella, A., Chen, X. & Deacon, S. H. (2014). Development of orthographic processing in French-English bilinguals: Is it a unified system? Written Language and Literacy, 17, 16-39. DOI: 10.2075/wll.17.102com

Jia, F., Gottardo, Koh, P., Chen. X., & Pasquarella, A. (2014). The role of acculturation in reading a second language: Its relation to English literacy skills in immigrant Chinese adolescents. Reading Research Quarterly, 49, 251-261. DOI: 10.1002/rrq.69

Ramirez, G., Chen, X., & Pasquarella, A. (2013). Cross-linguistic Transfer of morphological awareness in Spanish-speaking ELLs: The facilitating effect of cognate knowledge. Topics in Language Disorders, 33, 73-92.

Deacon, S. H., Benere, J., & Pasquarella, A. (2013). Reciprocal relationship: Children’s morphological awareness and their reading accuracy across grades 2 and 3. Developmental Psychology, 49, 1113-1126. DOI: 10.1037/a0029474

Deacon, H., Commissaire, E., Chen, X., & Pasquarella, A. (2013). Learning about print: The development of orthographic processing and its relationship to reading in first grade children in French immersion. Reading and Writing, 26, 1087-1109.

Pasquarella, A., Grant, A., & Gottardo, A. (2012). Comparing factors related to reading comprehension in adolescents who speak English as a first (L1) or second (L2) language. Scientific Studies of Reading, 16, 475-503. DIO: 10.1080/10888438.2011.593066

Pasquarella, A., Chen, X., Lam, K., Yang, C. L., & Ramirez, G. (2011). Cross-language Transfer of Morphological Awareness in Chinese-English Bilinguals. Journal of Research in Reading, 34, 23-42. DIO: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01484.x

Book Chapters

Pasquarella, A. (2019). Best Practices in Writing Instruction for English Language Learners. In S. Graham, C. A. MacAurthur, & M. Hiebert (Eds). Best Practices in Writing Instruction. Gilford.

Chen, X., & Pasquarella, A. (2017). Chinese literacy acquisition. In C. Perfetti & L. Verhoeven (Eds.). Learning to Read Across Language and Writing Systems. Cambridge University Press.

Commissaire, E., Pasquarella, A., Chen, Xi., & Deacon, S. E. (2016). The development of orthographic processing skills in children in early French immersion programs. In E. Zaretsky & M. Schwartz (Eds.). Cross-linguistic Transfer in Reading in Multilingual Contexts. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Pasquarella, A. (2019). Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Longitudinal Evaluation, 2012-2017. Components of Comprehensive School Reform on Reading Development. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A., Strong, J. Z., Walpole, S. (2018). Innovative Approaches to Literacy, Research to Practice Evaluation of Bookworms. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A (2017). Georgia Literacy Plan: Striving Readers District and School-level Report for the 2016-2017 Academic Year. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A (2016). Georgia Literacy Plan: Striving Readers District and School-level Report for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A (2015). Georgia Literacy Plan: Striving Readers District and School-level Report for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A. (2014). Georgia Literacy Plan: Striving Readers District and School-level Report for the 2013-2014 Academic Year. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Pasquarella, A. (2014). Georgia Literacy Plan: Striving Readers Preliminary Report for the 2013- 2014 Academic Year. Preliminary Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education

Cummins, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Luo, Y., Pasquarella, A., & Pothier, M. (2010). Evaluation of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board English/Mandarin Bilingual Language Transition Program at Prince Philip Public School. Interim Report prepared for Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

Cummins, J., Chen, X., Al-Alawi, M., El-fiki, H., Pasquarella, A., Luo, Y., Li, J., & Song, X. (2010). Evaluation of the Greater Essex County District School Board English/Arabic Bilingual Language Transition Program at Begley Public School. Interim Report prepared for Greater Essex County District School Board